Festivals and Events in Samugheo

There is something to do and see all year round in Samugheo, with a calendar that begins in January:

· 16 January – Bonfire of Sant’Antonio and presentation of the masks of the Mamutzones (Piazza Sedda);

· 19 January – Bonfire of San Sebastiano (patron saint of the town) and outing for the masks of the Mamutzones (Piazza Sedda);

· February/MarchA Maimone parade of typical carnival masks (town high street);

· Second Sunday in May – Sant’Isidoro. Agricultural festival with tractor procession (religious festival in San Basilio);

· 7 July – San Costantino (religious festival in the countryside – church of San Basilio-, Ardia, concerts in the square);

· July/AugustS’Attobiu folklore event. Performances by Sardinian dance groups;

· July/AugustTessingiu Exhibition of Handicrafts (Ex cantina and M.U.R.A.T.S.);

· Mid August – Summer show of traditional masks;

· 1 September – San Basilio (religious festival in the countryside – church of San Basilio– concerts in Piazza Sedda);

· 8 September – Santa Maria (religious festival in the countryside – church of Santa Maria – horse competition (municipal gallops);

· September/October – Bread festival, in the period buildings in the centre of town. This festival offers the chance to experience the different stages of bread-making, from preparing the sour dough, su framentu, to mixing the dough with flour, water and salt, shaping the loaves, leavening, and baking. During the festival, it is possible to sample different types of bread, accompanied by various local speciality dishes.

There are also numerous shows, exhibitions, conferences and events that characterise the MURATS’ activities during the year.